16 June 2024

Color Hues #89

 Hi there!

I'm so happy to share the pretty colors for the next Color Hues Challenge !


I used :

Come join us, we'd love to see you at Color Hues!

Thanks for visiting me today ♥



Tracey McNeely said...

So pretty and beautifully shaded Hannelie!

Bobby said...

Your wreath of flowers is so soft and pretty, Hannelie.

Pat said...

Very pretty colours for the Color Hues Challenge and the stencilled flowers in a circle with the white die cut sentiment in the centre works brilliantly Hannelie. x

~amy~ said...

This is so pretty!

Nancy said...

Gorgeous my dear! I really love this layout and the white greeting!

Bonnie said...

I love how you've used these colors, Hannelie! Another beautiful card!

Stef Perry said...

Your wreath of flowers is so delightful Hannelie! Love the soft colors you used.

Karen said...

What a soft and pretty card this is! I love the stenciled wreath, and although I love white on white, I've never thought to layer a die cut sentiment in white. Filing that away for the future. As always, a lovely design!

JulieP said...

Really love how you went soft and pretty with yours. And the white die cut lettering is beautiful.

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

A delicate and gorgeous card, love the stencilled flowers and the sentiment in white. x