Hi there!
Today is my turn at
Casology to show you the space where I create!
Keeping in mind that our stay here in Abu Dhabi is only temporary, and the villa we live in is a rented property... we were aiming to create a space where I can craft and my husband can 'work when he is not at work !'
That means that the space we share is more functional than anything else! Adding to this the fact that most of my cards are created using my Silhouette, I don't actually need so much space (and "stuff"), and I think you will see it in the photos below !
So here we go...
The complete picture |
Dual purpose 'desk'. Digital on one side, hands-on the other side. |
My crafting companion . Always by my side. |
Sugar... his favorite spot. |
Inside the drawers... yes that's everything! |
Cutting and embossing station, and my husband's side of the room. |
Ribbon, card stock and markers. |
Well, that's it!
Just a little bit more about Sugar. Ever since our move to the UAE, I wanted a dog, but if you take into consideration the weather here, it's not so easy to take care of a dog. 90% of the year it's just too hot outside for a pet to survive, so you need to be prepared to have a house pet. Most of the properties' yards are also not suitable to host a pet. Where we live now, in a gated community with a yard and nice lawn, we were finally able to be pet owners again.
About 2 months ago, my husband surprised me with Sugar. An adopted Cocker Spaniel. He is 2.5 years old and in this short time, I fell in love with this sweet sweet dog. He fills an empty space in my heart with both of our daughters working and studying in different countries! He never leaves my side, and I am so very thankful for the opportunity to give him the love and life he deserves!
Is't he the sweetest thing ever... look at those lashes!
Thanks for coming over to check out my crafting space.
Next week Thursday (5/11) is Hazel's turn!
Have a great weekend... happy crafting ;)
so fun! Love how organized you are and Sugar is adorable :)
Hi Hannelie ! You have a very organised and well-kept craft space. And I loved to see Sugar.What a cutie he is ! . I have a soft spot for dogs and I understand how happy you must feel in his company.
Jou hobbyruimte ziet er zo netjes en heel efficiënt uit! Een lekker koele ruimte, die je daar wel nodig hebt... En wat een lieve snoet heeft Sugar! Kan me voorstellen dat het fijn is iemand om je heen te hebben... Geniet van je dag! Liefs, Gerrina
Very neat and tidy craft room. Ohhh just loving Sugar too, so adorable and yes he does deserve a loving and caring home and by the sounds of it he's got one...one lucky dog! x
Great to have a little sneaky peek around your craft space Hannelie.
Just as I imagined, perfectly Clean, classy, chic and super tidy! Sarah x
Such a great space, Hannelie!! Thanks for sharing! And what a sweet puppy!
Thanks for sharing your space. Sugar is adorable! Where is UAE? So you left Arizona? [You were living in AZ correct?]
Thanks for sharing your place! so well organized:)Love your sweet sugar!
Love the idea of a double sided desk - clever use of space! And Sugar is adorable!
Such a beautiful and functional space, Hannelie! Love your organisation! Love how you and your husband get to share your space together. Sugar looks very huggable indeed! So lovely to see where you create your masterpieces!!
Fantastic craft space! So bright and airy - a perfect craft room!! So neat and tidy too. Love your crafting buddy - I had a little tiny cat named Sugar. She was amazing! He looks like he's mommy's best pal! Have a great weekend dear friend, and thanks for sharing your space with us!! Bev
It was so much fun to see your crafting space. I felt like it was another little peek into your personality. It also seemed to reflect your card style - CAS. Thanks so much for sharing the photos. Sugar is a very sweet-looking dog. Cocker Spaniels have such adorable little faces!
I love Sugar! What a sweetie. Thanks for sharing your space, Hannelie~
Cool craft space! You are very organized! I always enjoy seeing people's craftrooms - thank you for sharing!
Sugar is definitely my favorite part of your craft space! We had a springer and she always helped me craft (and clean, and read the paper, and eat...). I think your craft space is terrific! Lots of light and very organized. Thanks for sharing Hannelie!
Thank you for sharing your space! You probably win the prize for having the least stuff but that is an advantage for having a silhouette! And Sugar is the highlight of the room! Definitely deserves that name!
Always wondered where those lovely cards of yours originated. Now I know. A bit envious that my space is no where near as organized as your. Such a pleasure to see your crafty companion, Sugar, as well. He's a beauty & probably so grateful you're his person.
Totally functional and organised room, but somehow I expected that of you, based on the crisp, clean look of your cards :) And Sugar is just gorgeous. I hadn't considered how the outdoor conditions would affect pets over there, so that's my thing learned for today and it's only 8.43am :)
Sugar is so sweet! Our dog is always by me too. Thanks for a look at your craft area! I love your desk with two chairs idea! The thing about a small space is everything is right at hand!
Sweeter than sugar your very sweet Sugar!!! Wat 'n lieflike hond, vrou - ek wil sy kop vryf en sy ore kielie - hy is so pragig en ek kan net dink wat hy vir jou beteken met die twee meisiekinders wat nie meer in die huis is nie!!!! Ai, is 'n troeteldier nie net een groot plesier nie, ne!!!
Ek het altyd gewonder hoe dit lyk waar jy kaartjies maak en nou kan ek sien waar jy al jou briljantheid op papier neerle!!! Dit was so lekker om 'n kykie in jou wereld te kry - en ek is so bly daar is darem iemand wat min of meer net soveel (min) goed soos ek het!!! Ek verwonder my altyd aan almal se plekke wat so vol kaste en nog meer kaste en oorvol rakke en rakke en menigtes laaie oral is!!! Ek dink ek sal kop verloor as ek so baie goed moet he - ek sal nie weet waar om te begin en wat om te gebruik en wat om te los nie!!!! Ek is mal oor jou baie goed georganiseerde plekkie!!! En as ek nou weer so na die foto's kyk, dink ek jy het omtrent dubbeld so veel goed as wat ek het!!!
Ek het hierdie kuiertjie net so baie geniet soos al jou kaartjie posts, vrou!!!! Lekker speel in jou oulike plekkie!!! (en 'n drukkie vir Sugar!!!)
Groete en geniet die naweek!!!
Ek gaan nou gou die laaste stukkie van die Bokke se wedstryd kyk!!!!
Hey Hannelie!!! I love your craft space!! Its super roomie!! I love how things are organized!! I have some of those white bins in my basement. I might have to bring those upstairs. I love your titled floor too, LOL!! I could craft on your floor too!! More room to spread out!! Love it!! Thanks for sharing!!
Great dual purpose space, Hannelie. Your new animal friend, Sugar, is too precious.
SUPER organized, clean and so friendly with SUGAR!!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!
Hazel, I think it is great that you and your husband share a space ... it does help keep things in check, especially if you are only there temporarily (and you do so many digital cards). Your companion is so adorable...I am partial to Cocker Spaniels and Sugar is totally precious! I can see why you'd enjoy having Sugar keep you company while you craft!
Your double sided desk is a great idea! Love how neat as a pin everything is. Sugar looks like a real sweetheart!!
I love the idea of the double sided desk, and great to see where your creativity takes place, love your wonderful cards always.
Love the desk, love the dog. Nothing like a pet to fill the empty nest. Great space.
I love your craft space -- so awesome for your situation! Love that you utilize every drawer for such goodness! OH! And I LOVE Sugar! I'm such a geek for dogs anyway...
Hello Hannelie and thank you for inviting us into your crafting space. I love that you have all of that natural light coming in through that big window, there is nothing like natural light for crafting. You have a place for everything and everything in it's place, that is the only way to always find it.
But the best part of your space is Sugar, oh my goodness, she is sweet as can be, beautiful color and those mile long lashes, just gorgeous.
How fabulous that she found a loving home in yours.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful pictures.
Maria Rodriguez.
Love your organized crafty space! I also adore your crafting companion, Sugar. When I'm home alone in my craft room, my pets always come to hang out with me. Considering I have 2 large Irish Setters and 1 cat (who has his own bed on one of my desks LOL), they take up a LOT of room/floor space. But I wouldn't have it any other way. TFS
Nice work space, and Sugar looks right at home! We have a doxie/cocker spaniel mix rescue dog and we love her to pieces! She hangs out on a blanket under my work table :)
Nice and neat. Functional and organized. Perfect space for you to do you magic, Hannelie. And Sugar. I can see why you're in love. I used to have a black Cocker years ago and she was a love, too.
Awesome work space! Your organized and labelled drawers made my heart sing!
My heart totally melted when I saw "Sugar". Great name for a sweet pet!
You have a very nice and neat work space. You have everything you need at your fingertips and that makes it easy to get what you want and to put it back easily. Beautiful dog. Thanks for sharing your space today.
Hannielie I am very impressed with how organized and funtional your crafty space is--well done. Love seeing where the magic happense. Sugar is absolutely adorable and I love that he is always by your side. My Sam is always by my side too and I think it would be unbearable without him with the kids away at school! Thank you for sharing your amazing space!
Fantastic work space--it is all so very tidy and organized. And, your dog is so adorable. You are both so lucky to have each other to craft together and keep each other company.
Once again I feel an envious twinge at someone else's craft space Hannelie! Looks like you're very organised - it puts my little crafting table to shame. What a gorgeous dog - I can't imagine dog ownership is big in UAE. I don't think I ever saw one when I visited!
Sugar is beautiful. I can't believe that's all the stuff you have! I need to get some dehoarding lessons from you. ;-)
LOVE your crafting area. so organized!
Sugar is a beautiful dog, easy to fall in love with. Best of luck with her.
Hannelie you space is as cleanly designed as your gorgeous cards! What fun to see where all the magic happens ... still in awe of the wonderful images you create with the Silhouette!
Thanks for sharing your world with us, and your talent!
=] Michele
How lovely to see where you create, Hannelie ... all so beautifully neat and organised ... and complete with your totally adorable Sugar ... such a sweet looking dog! Hugs, Anita :)
a lovely space to create and a so cute "sugar" ☺
Great organization and I love all the brightness in your craft space, Hannelie! So neat and clean, too :)
How wonderful that you have such a sweet fur baby to hang out with you all day...I think Sugar is one really lucky guy!!!
The double sided desk is great idea, Hannelie. Would love to have it, but my space is limited(!), and too many kids around :) And the light!!! It's just everywhere, so bright. Your lovely companion is adorable and sweet!
So netjies en georganiseerd Hannelie! Hoop nie ek moet eendag my werksplek wys nie - lyk altyd of daar ingebreek is so deurmekaar is dit, seker maar die regterbrein ding! Sugar is pragtig.
I love how tidy and organised your space is! I need to declutter! Love the dog too! Thanks for sharing :-) x
What a beautiful craft space! So clean and organized! And no clutter! I really need to spend a chunk of time in my studio just reorganizing and decluttering. Every time I go in there though I just want to make stuff----so the organizing always gets put aside. HA! And your dog, Sugar, is absolutely precious!!! Looks like a sweetheart!!!
Thanks for the tour. Looks so efficient. And the best part is Sugar!
My craft room definitely felt empty those few months between Atticus and Tex. It really is wonderful to have a furry buddy for company and Sugar looks totally at home in there. :) As for your space - so fabulously clean, crisp and organized! Kind of like your cards really. :) So how long is the temporary stay in Abu Dhabi?
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