To appreciate my card, I'll have to explain every destination:
The card is for our oldest daughter who is in her second year, studying hospitality management & design. Her 'base' is in Neuchatel, Switserland, where she finds herself 6 months of the year. At the moment she is busy with an internship in the Caribbean on the island of St Lucia where the closest City is Castries. And... of course, Abu Dhabi is where we are, and where we will welcome her home for a month during the Summer holiday.
So this card will be put away, until the end of July, when she comes home... Still weeks to go, but I can't wait any more!
And because I shared a photo of the youngest last week with her birthday, here's the girl we miss so much!
Card inspired by the sketch from case this sketch challenge.
Thanks for looking!
What an amazing experience for your daughter. Your card is perfect for her!
It's so exciting when the "little" ones return to the nest. She, much like Danielle, looks very much like you. Beautiful daughters. Lucky girls to have you for a mom. Sweet card too. Lovely colors and design. She'll love it as much as we do. Bev
Wow! I can't imagine my kids being so far away for so long (although sometimes I allow myself to dream! lol!), but I guess it's all part of growing up, isn't it? This is the perfect card for her homecoming - but doesn't she read your blog?! lol! Thanks so much for playing along with us at CAS(E) This Sketch this week, Hannelie!
I can totally feel that aching grip around my heart while I read your post! Oh to have them close by for a hug whenever we need one! Two beautiful daughters that look so much like their pretty mama!
She is going to love this card!
Aww bless you Hannelie.... that's some travelling between places. I can't wait for our girlie to return home and she is on the same Island still!!
Love how you used the signpost for the sketch :0)
Jenny x
Wow, what an amazing adventure. This is a super cute take on the sketch! So glad you joined us at CAS(E) this Sketch!
What a fabulous card! It's just perfect for your daughter - I hope she's enjoying herself in all these fabulous places! :)
You have two beautiful daughters, Hannelie ... they look like you! What a fantastic experience ... but I bet she's as pleased to come home as you are to see her ... and what a wonderful card to welcome her back! Anita :)
Hi, Hannelie.
Sjoe, wat 'n pragtige meisiekind en ek kan duidelik sien dat sy baie na jou trek!
Jou kaartjie is weer 'n toonbeeld van oorspronklikheid en kreatiwiteit - regtig oulik. Sy gaan dit so waardeer!
Goed gaan! Petra
Another beautiful card and a beautiful daughter. Am sure you miss her so much. Hope the migraine stays away
Hi Hannelie, I love this card. that is a great idea. I love that it could also be used for new home cards to send people. Thanks for sharing. Edwina Brown
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