
20 April 2014

Holiday pics

Hi there!

I promised to show you some of our holiday pics in Madeira... so here it is!

It was quite a job to choose only a few out of the almost 1000 photos we took, but I tried to cover the highlights!

{ click on the pics for a closer look! }

If you ever get the opportunity... you need to visit Madeira... it's a beautiful place!

Thanks for looking!


  1. Gorgeous photos! What a beautiful place! Thank you for sharing - I enjoyed looking at these!

  2. Oh these are fabulous pictures! I loved Portugal and these pics make me want to go back to see Madeira! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hannalie, amazing, amazing pictures and a gorgeous family! Doubly blessed!

  4. Great photos. I can tell you've had a wonderful holidays. It really looks stunning.
    Hugs, Keti

  5. Wonderful pics, I have been to Madeira but only for afew hours, we did see those carts going down the street, amazing

  6. Immagino la difficoltà nel dover scegliere tra simili foto.....
    Sono tutte fantastiche, davvero, ma quello che mi meraviglia sempre sono i colori della natura.......
    Complimenti per la tua splendida famiglia!!

  7. Thanks for sharing Hannelie, It looks lovely,
    hugs Dorte

  8. What gorgeous scenery. And the family isn't bad either. ;)

  9. OOOOOOoooo, vrou, dit lyk Fantasties!!! Wat 'n lieflike plek, ek kan dink dat dit 'n fees moes gewees het om daar te kon kuier!! Ek is baie jaloers hoor!!
    Pragtige foto's van julle almal, jy kon maar meer geplaas het!!

  10. Madeira looks like a paradise! thanks for sharing the pictures.

  11. Loved seeing your beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing. It looks like you had a good time and some lovely memories made. Hugs, Ursula

  12. You certainly have made me want to visit there, Hannelie! Fantastic photos! Of course, the best were the ones of you with your beautiful daughters, and you with your Mister!! TFS!! Hugs, Darnell

  13. Merci Hannelie pour ces belles photos et ce partage qui nous permet de voyager ! chouette ce matin, j'ai presque fait le tour du monde, (j'exagère sorry) des Philippines avec Cath Baussand, au Quebec et au Vermont avec Guyloup, puis Madère avec vous.. Que notre terre est belle ! Une excellente journée à vous et à votre famille,
    Amitiés d'Alsace,

  14. Wow, Hannelie ... what gorgeous pictures ... not only of the lovely island ... but of your beautiful family too! Looks as though you had a splendid time together! Hope you did the basket ride down the hill! Anita :)

  15. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures of that gorgeous place. There is so much beauty that it is hare to take it all in! I loved seeing you and your family in such a happy place. Now when I read your blog, I can "see"your face!

  16. WOW! Great pictures, Hannelie! Thank you so much for sharing!

  17. Oh wat heerlijk! Ik herken er heel veel van, jullie hebben genoten!

  18. Oh, dear friend, how I envy you this vacation is such a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing and understand how you took so many pictures. The ones you shared were beautiful!!!

  19. Oh my goodness!! This place is heavenly, I love it.. I am so motivated to make a trip here some day in my life, showed these to my husband... and now is on my list of "places to visit before I die" ;)

  20. Stunning pictures both of the scenery and family,you must have a fabulous camera. Loved all the colours , esp liked the one of you and your daughter in the cave and the one of the three of you on the bridge

  21. I can't believe I'm just getting over here to see your photos...Absolutely stunning, Hannelie! What a lovely family vacation it must have been...I'm sure you're missing your daughter already!

    Thanks so much for sharing them with us!

  22. Wow - amazing pics Hannelie! Thank you for sharing them with us! What an incredible holiday it must have been, especially with all four of you together!

    Madeira is now on my Bucketlist!


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