
23 July 2016

Something different to share today...

Hi there!

I haven't done any sewing in a very long time, but a tiny bug has bitten me, and I got all inspired to take out my sewing machine !

I attempted something I had never tried before (first time ever making something with a lining :) , and I must say, I enjoyed every moment of making this bag:

Simplicity handbag pattern 2396

My South-African friends will recognize the fabric which is very popular at the moment in South-Africa, printed will all kinds of (old and new) Afrikaans sayings and quotes.

The pattern is from Simplicity , really easy, with no fuss, and even though my sewing skills are a bit rusty, everything went smoothly!

I will definitely make more... my sister already ' ordered' one for Christmas!

I am also busy crocheting granny squares for a blanket ... hope to share the pictures soon.

Thanks for popping in to look at my 'something other than paper project'!
Have a great weekend!



  1. What a beautiful bag! Funnily enough, I was considering making a bag myself during the summer. I haven't made one in years either. Jo x

  2. Wow, baie mooi! Ek het ook 'n paar naaldwerk projekte om klaar te maak.. meskien more... of maandag :) lekker daggie daar! xx

  3. Fabulous and very personal bag and no wonder your sister has ordered one! Very talented lady, thank you for sharing x

  4. What a beautiful bag!! This is just the shape I LOVE! And the fabric looks great! As an Austrian I have never seen this, but it looks fantastic!

  5. Well good for you MIss Hannelie!! That fabric is fantastic, and your sewing skills look pretty darn good to me - you're not one bit rusty! Love the shape of this bag, and it looks like something that I'd love to carry. Fantastic and I can't wait to see your blanket. Bev

  6. Nou Hannelie < dit is echt gaaf !!!!
    Mooie stof ook !

    groeten Ineke

  7. WOW Hannelie, you rocked this beautiful hand bag.

  8. I am SO impressed! That bag is absolutely adorable. You have WAY too many talents, Hannelie. :)

  9. Wow....this is so amazing! Love your sweet bag, the colors and pattern is just perfect. Sewing is an amazing skill to have and you totally nailed it on this handbag!

  10. Wat ziet deze er gaaf uit! Had niet geweten dat het zelfgemaakt is als je het niet had gezegd! Kan me dus voorstellen dat je al een "order" binnen hebt! Fijn weekend verder!

  11. Gorgeous, gorgeous! Lovely to see your other talents.

  12. Totally impressed. Your sister will be very fortunate to get one.

  13. Oh Wow!! This bag is fabulous!! I love that fun fabric and cannot believe you are just picking up sewing again. I do not think I could make something like that-and I used to sew too!!

  14. OH, Hannelie, I your bag. (I used to do lots of sewing, so this post caught my eye. I've recently had the desire to make some zippered bags.) The fabric & shape of the bag are simply lovely. FUN FUN post! ♥

  15. This is beautiful! You are a woman of many talents!

  16. A woman of many talents! Love this fabulous bag, Hannelie. A friend of mine gave me a sewing machine last year and I still have not sat down and tried to remember how to use it. :( I haven't used one since my theatre days in university making costumes!

  17. how beautiful....I don't blame your sister for ordering one for Christmas...great gift!

  18. You sew too? My goodness are soooooooo talented!!! Love the fabric!

  19. Beautiful bag Hannelie! you are so talented!

  20. O, jou sak lyk verskriklik mooi, vrou!!!! So lekker om te sien jy geniet ook 'n bietjie naaldwerk van tyd tot tyd!!! En kry mens nie die mooiste lappe deesdae met die lekker Afrikaanse woorde nie, ne!!!! Dit lyk glad nie of jy verroes is met die naaldwerk nie - ek kan sien jy het perfek netjies gewerk en ek voorspel dat jy nog vele bestellings gaan kry!!! Ek gaan beslis kyk na daai patroon - dankie vir die link - ek dink ek kan 'n paar vir my stalletjie maak wat ek (hopelik) die einde van die jaar by 'n kerk hier by ons gaan he!!!!!
    Ek kan net dink hoe mooi daai sak by 'n denim gaan lyk!!!! pragtig gedoen, vrou!!!
    Dankie vir jou e-possie nou die dag - ek antwoord so gou ek 'n kansie het!!!

  21. It's so beautiful you're so talented !!

    Bises ♥

  22. Darling bag, Hannelie. I need to get busy and do some sewing too. Our church has been challenged to make school book bags and I have loads of scraps to make them from. I just need to find the time.


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