
29 May 2014

Hey hello hi!

Hi there!

Just a little reminder that there is a fabulous prize at stake this week at AAA cards!!!

You have more than 2 days left to link up a card using the chalkboard technique... easy as that!

Here's some digital inspiration!

Click HERE for my original inspiration post!

Hope to see you there!


  1. Sien jou hopelik more daar met 'n inskrywing!!

    Groete en 'n lekker dag. By ons is dit lekker sonnig (wasgoed is op die draad), maar dis maar bietjie kouerig - winter is besig om stadig sy tande te begin wys!!

  2. I'm trying this technique, Hannelie ... with little success at the moment! I'll link up if I get anything even close to reasonable! Anita :)


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