
31 August 2013


Hi everyone!

To each and everyone who made my birthday yesterday so special by posting a card on their blog, sending an e-mail , commenting on my blog , and even Geri who wrote me a poem... a BIG thank you!

It was so unexpected, I almost couldn't  believe my eyes, when I saw one after the other blog post containing the words - happy birthday Hannelie!

You are all such a bunch of special people! A special thanks to Bev, because as far as I know... she was the only one who knew what date my birthday is! I suspect Ardyth may also played a big roll in spreading the word...

I had a great day , celebrating with my family.

Sharing a photo we took before we went to my favorite restaurant for dinner!

Thanks again...


  1. So happy you had such a fun surprise and a wonderful birthday, Hannelie ... it was loads of fun for us too! Anita :)

  2. Awesome photo of such a special family. Hope you had a lovely dinner. Thanks so much for the beautifully designed sentiment.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  3. Happy birthday! Beautiful family!

  4. Oh dear friend! It's a wonderfully simple thing to do for someone as special as you are! You're such a kind, generous, and thoughtful person and I wanted to do something nice to celebrate your special day. You've been an inspiration to me and I know, to many others out there in blogland as well. Love the photo of your beautiful family. Enjoy your weekend. Bev

  5. Hannalie, I am so sorry I missed the birthday festivities. I am so glad you had a wonderful day! Xoxo

  6. Happy Birthday Hannelie!!! Your sentiment is very pretty. What a beautiful family you have too!

  7. Belated Birthday Wishes Hannelie. It sounds like you had a wonderful day made extra special by your crafty friends. Beautiful photo and thank you for the sentiment too.
    Sue xx

  8. Happy Birthday a day late Hannelie! It sounds like you had a fabulous day! Thank you for the lovely Digi. I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you and your loving kindness in creating such gorgeous Digital stamps for us for FREE. You are a very sweet person and I am happy I found your blog.

    Join me for a chance to win FREE candy on my blog. Have a wonderful week! Hope to see you again next week. Hugs, Gloria

  9. Happy belated Birthday, Hannelie. Hope you had a wonderful day. Love the photo of your beautiful family.
    hugs Dorte

  10. Happy Birthday for yesterday Hannelie. Hope you had a fun filled day. Thank you for the sentiment.

  11. Happy, happy day after your birthday! I loved seeing your beautiful smiling faces. And thanks for the Thanks!

  12. Hi Hannelie, Thank you for the sentiment. Happy Belated Birthday! Wonderful photo of you and your family. So nice to have a face with the name from time to time. Have a wonderful day. Edwina Brown

  13. Belated birthday wishes. Thank you for sharing the sentiment with everyone.

  14. Yes, the birthday party was a huge success! There are a whole what of us who know that you are one very special lady and it was fun honoring you on your birthday!

    A very handsome family!!! Your beautiful daughters are the absolute clone of their beautiful mama! Hope your dinner was yummy!

  15. Hannelie, I've been away for the weekend but just saw this and wanted to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! What a beautiful family (your girls look just like you!!!) and I'm so glad you enjoyed your day!

  16. So sorry I missed it. Happy belated birthday. Hope you had a great day.

  17. Happy belated birthday !

    Thank you for sharing the sentiment with everyone.

    Amitiés de France

  18. Ag nee vrou, ek het nie geweet jy verjaar nie!! In elk geval, baie, BAIE geluk en hope goeie wense vir die nuwe lewensjaar!! Jy lyk sowaar of jy jou pragtige dogters se suster is!!
    Baie groete.

  19. Belated birthday greetings!!! Glad you enjoyed your birthday -what a nice photo - your family is beautiful! Your daughters look exactly like you!

    Thank you for the "thanks" sentiment - love it!

    KT Fit Kitty

  20. Happy Birthday a day late. I hope you and your family enjoy this three day weekend. And you never fail to amaze me. You were so thoughtful on your birthday to send all of us a beautiful thank you we could keep. Thank you for sharing from your heart your family, your art, and your kindness. God Bless.

  21. Lovely family and lovely image. Happy Belated Birthday!

  22. Belated birthday wishes Hannelie, such a lovely family photo..... Hope you had a great day :0)
    Jenny x

  23. Good looking bunch! Thank you for the lovely wordart and belated happy birthday.:)

  24. Happy Birthday and thank you so much for this fabulous sentiment!


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