
11 December 2011

Santa's getting ready at IDIC - challenge 85

Hi there!

Yes... in 2 week's time it's Christmas!!!

And Santa should get ready!

This week the design team at i did it creations is sponsored by gingerloft digi stamps!

You want to know what you can win??  The lucky winner gets 3 images of her choice from our lovely sponsor!

My card to inspire you...

The image is called 'reindeer carousel' and was colored with PROMARKERS.


2 sisters challenge #69 ~ Christmas
Crafty Emma #65 ~ traditional Christmas
creations by gill m #21 ~ red and green
one stop craft challenge #161 ~ traditional Christmas
card makin mamas #35 ~ Christmas
hotshot craft #1 ~ use promarkers
colour create challenge #85 ~ red white and green
for ever friends challenge #12 ~ Christmas & include an animal
paper -crafting journey ~ Christmas

Thanks for visiting my blog!


  1. Really love the colours in this card hun.

  2. Love your Christmas colours Hannelie and what a super image that is. hugs Sharon

  3. love your card - it is very eyyecatching

  4. thanks for playing this month whit foreverfriends
    nice card

  5. A really pretty Christmas Card! It's Gorgeous! LOve those tags!

  6. What a fun image. I love the merry-go-round pony. Fab colours too. Thanks for joining us at 2 Sisters this week. Annette xx

  7. what a lovely card thank you for joining us at ff this month
    linda x

  8. Lovely image and the colours are just perfect for our challenge.
    Thank you for joining us at Colour create.

    Edna x

  9. A delightful card & layout. The colours are pefect too. Thank you for joining us at Colour Create Challenge. :) Sabrina

  10. Love this image! Great coloring and perfect paper colors for this image. Great job!

  11. A great card. Thank you for joining us at Hotshot Craft for our first challenge. We hope you will join us again
    Hugs Sarah x

    p.s. hope you have joined our list of followers

  12. Fab card, love the image he is great!

    Thank you for sharing with us at CES Challenge this week, good luck!
    Hugs Shell xx

  13. Love the colors, Hannelie, so vibrant!!! Janna

  14. Hi Hannelie!! What a cute Holiday card..Love these traditional colors..I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas with your Daughter and family..So exciting!!

  15. Beautiful card and thank you for taking part in our Challenge over at Creations by Gill M. Just a little reminder that you need to be a follower of this blog.

    Linda xxx

  16. really love your card. The digi is gorgeous and what you have done with it is just stunning.

    Wine tasting was lovely, bought some for Xmas....Lol!!!!

  17. Luv your papers and image on your card cheers sue n x

  18. Fabulous card lovely image and papers. Thanks for joining us at One Stop Card Crafts this week. luv gina xx

  19. I love your colouring!! And your CAS style!! Every card is a chef-d'oeuvre!!!

  20. Hannelie, I LOVE your card, I think it is my fav of our bunch this week!
    love the paper :)
    Susan (G)

  21. Lovely traditional colours and a nice bold and striking card.
    Am saving your sentiments for future use they are beautiful.
    hope you are not too hot in the desert.


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